Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well, after an extended hiatus and some encouragement from those of you who give a shit, I've decided to start blogging again. Part of me actually does want to do it for personal reasons, such as keeping my writing skills sharp...but the main reason is I have a lot on my mind and no platform to vent...and I also just like to make people laugh from time to time. Life can get pretty dull if you're not careful, and this blog helps me relieve a little stress, talk a little shit, and generally just keep me occupied when I have some down time.

So...for those of you reading this, thanks for the encouragement to fire The Nation back up. It's good to back.

Much has transpired since my last blog. For starters, I'm married now. Andrea and I tied the knot last October. If you're wondering how I'm liking married life...the answer is that I love it. It feels good to have somebody who relies on you, loves you unconditionally, and isn't going anywhere. I feel like I signed a life contract for a perennial contender. Good shit.

But my guess is that you didn't log on to this blog to hear me ramble on about my personal life. Maybe 5 years ago you did...because I'd regale you with hilarious stories and sexual conquests that I had no business being involved in. But those days are over now, and my personal life isn't nearly as entertaining. Who gives a shit if the wife and I pulled the goalie right? So, these days most of my blogs will be about other people...and likely focus on issues such as sports, entertainment, alcohol, Salinas Valley gossip, my general opinion on anything and everything, and whatever the hell else comes to mind. I'll tell a few jokes from time to time, and hopefull PISS YOU OFF at some point. But hey...who gives a shit?

So...keep checking back. I plan to blog a couple times a week, time permitting, and I've got some good shit in store for you. Spread the word.

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