Well, where better to get started than with TIGER WOODS?? Now you've all heard many versions of this one, but let me tell you what really happened. Tiger and Elin have the family over for Thanksgiving. They drink some wine, eat food prepared by hired chefs, and generally have a decent time. Tiger gets into the vino a little heavy and heads upstairs to to do some sexting with one of his mistresses. Eventually, he passes out on the bed in shorts and a t-shirt. Meanwhile, Elin...having been suspicious for some time, creeps upstairs and decides to take a look in his cell phone. Needless to say, she finds more than enough evidence to confirm her suspicions, and she starts beating the shit out of Tiger while he slept. He wakes up to find his ENRAGED wife and scrambles to get the hell out of there. He grabs his keys, jumps in his chromed-out ESCALADE, and starts down the driveway. Elin chases him down the driveway with a golf club and busts out the back window. Tiger, trying to avoid her, drives directly into a tree, wakes up on the curb in his shorts and a t-shirt, and the rest is history.
Now, obviously...the fall-out has made Tiger look like the scum of the earth. Whores from all corners of the earth are smelling a PAY DAY and are confessing their alleged affairs with Tiger. Ultimately, Tiger cops to a couple of them, and the flood gates opened. Tiger became Public Enemy #1. What a bunch of SHIT. As a married man, yes, I'd have to pretty much say Tiger is a miserable failure in that department. But the abuse he's taken in the media is far too excessive. They're acting as if no one else has ever cheated before. Come on people. Athletes cheat. Politicians cheat. Produce Salespeople cheat. The whole god damned world cheats. Sure...there are many who don't, but those are the exceptions, not the rule. So Tiger is now the scapegoat for all of humanity. Half of the writers chastising him are more than likely married and probably getting hummers from their girlfriend while they hammer away on Tiger on their lap top. They've hated Tiger for years and now they're piling on. What a bunch of pussies!
Hey, we all make mistakes. Statistics say that almost half of married couples go through some sort of infidelity. Few of us ever stand to lose as much as Tiger has (financially, in particular), and it's time to let the guy be. I, for one, can't wait to see him back out of Tour making birdies and kicking the shit out of guys like Jesper Parnevik and Ben Crane, who have publicly denounced Woods.
I'll be at Pebble for the Open in June, and I'll be rooting like hell for Woods. And for the rest of you, whether you root for Tiger or some other Tour player, the chances are that you're rooting for a guy who CHEATED ON HIS WIFE.
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