A story hit the AP wire today about the Pac-10 conference considering expansion. Commissioner Larry Scott said the "window is open" and they're giving serious thought to adding 2 new teams to the Pac-10. One report is suggesting that the teams they're giving careful consideration to include the Utah Utes and, brace yourself, the COLORADO BUFFALOES! That's right...my alma mater has a chance of joining the Pacific 10 Conference. This would be a dream come true for west coast Buff fans.
First of all, the Buffs have clearly slipped to the bottom of the Big 12 conference. On the gridiron, we routinely get our asses kicked by teams like Texas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska...and I don't even need to mention what happens when our hoops team squares off against the Jayhawks or the Cowboys of Stillwater. It's an absolute mismatch.
Moving to the Pac 10 would allow the Buffs to rebuild their programs by competing on a more even keel with the very mediocre schools from the Pac 10 Conference. After traveling to places like Austin, Norman, and Lincoln...the Buffs would welcome the site of the airstrip as their plane touches down in places like Pullman, Seattle, Tempe, and LA. The Buffs could win 5 games in conference in their first year in the Pac 10, a feat that they can't come close to in the brutal Big 12.
I may sound like a west coast homer, but there are many other reasons why I would support this move. First of all, we have a TERRIFIC fan base all over the west coast. When I was in school, 25% of the student body came from California, and there were thousands more from Arizona, Oregon, and Washington. Buffs fans live in places like SF and LA, and not in places like Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas. You would see a huge increase in the fan base and alumni presence when the Buffs have road games in Palo Alto, Berkeley, Westwood. There are huge contingents of alumni in cities within driving distance of all the cities on the Pac-10 schedule, and this will be very apparent when the Buffs square off with the Cal Bears in September of this season. You don't see that happen at road games vs. Baylor.
From a recruiting standpoint, the move makes perfect sense. If you look at the Buffs roster, more than half of the players hail from either Colorado itself, or the states in the Pac-10 conference. We play against teams like Texas and Oklahoma, but we have absolutely no chance of recruiting there. Playing in the Pac-10 would allow Coach Hawk (or whoever replaces him) to recruit in our own backyard. We'd have road games on TV every weekend. These kids grow up watching USC, Oregon, and Cal...and now they're watching them play the Buffs! Get them on an official recruiting trip to Boulder, and it's a done deal. There isn't a campus in the Pac-1o that holds a candle to CU. Currently, over 60% of CU's out of state recruits come from states west of Colorado. Sure, we might lose a couple of players from Texas and Florida (we have like 4), but we'd vastly improve our presence in the West Coast recruiting game. These new recruits could enroll at the most beautiful campus in the country, play their home games at Folsom Field, and their families could still watch them play their road in places like Berkeley, Palo Alto, Tuscon, Eugene, and Southern California. From a recruiting standpoint, it just makes perfect sense.
Granted, there will be some fans east of Boulder who will be disappointed with the move, but the vast majority of Buff fans are out here on the left coast, and ultimately the move would be good for every Buff backer in the country. The Pac-10 would be well served adding the Buffs to their conference, and the addition of Utah will make it an even 12. That will allow the Pac-10 to have a Conference Championship game...and change the conference name to the Pac-12. Actually, come to think of it, make it the 12-Pack!